We are Planet B.io
The open innovation hub at the Biotech Campus Delft, empowering businesses to develop impactful biotech solutions at scale, and drive the transition towards a sustainable society.
What we offer
Planet B.io is a dedicated not-for-profit organisation located at the Biotech Campus Delft, enabling companies to develop and commercialise their biotech solutions. We proactively collaborate with start-ups, SMEs, corporates, knowledge institutes, tech- and service providers, investors and policy makers to optimize support for impactful biotechnological innovations.
Whether you are looking for a location to start your business, to scale-up or to increase your local presence, Planet B.io offers offices, lab spaces, shared areas and greenfield for new developments in a community of like-minded professionals.
Planet B.io works closely with a large and ever growing community of talented people and organizations from across the world to support (y)our mission.
At Planet B.io, we go beyond providing you with a mere lab or office space. By becoming part of our community, you gain exclusive access to our thriving ecosystem of industrial biotech knowledge and services, which we continuously cultivate and expand upon.
Planet B.io's principal partners: a triple helix non-profit
Planet B.io embraces the powerful triple-helix innovation model, firmly believing in the synergistic collaboration between industry, government, and academia. We facilitate meaningful connections with key stakeholders in the biotech community. By harnessing the collective expertise and resources of these three pillars, we enhance the likelihood that your biotechnological innovation can effectively translate into real-world impact.
Latest news
Read about Planet B.io and our residents, members & collaborators.
Nu beschikbaar: Arbeidsmarktonderzoek Cellulaire Agricultuur
Om een beter inzicht te krijgen in de behoeften van bedrijven in de Cellulaire Agricultuur-sector, heeft Planet B.io, in samenwerking met Cellulaire Agricultuur Nederland, een arbeidsmarktonderzoek uitgevoerd. Dit onderzoek biedt een overzicht van de huidige CA arbeidsmarkt, de aansluiting op het huidige Nederlandse onderwijs, en geeft richting naar de toekomst.
Foamlab | Contributing to a sustainable future with compostable foam
Every year the world produces enough polystyrene - commonly known as Styrofoam - to cover the size of Manhattan. This material, which takes over 500 years to decompose, continues to accumulate with no end in sight. This alarming reality is what drives Foamlab, a groundbreaking startup on a mission to replace this pollutive substance with a sustainable, compostable alternative. By tackling one of the most common environmental challenges of our time, Foamlab is ready to revolutionize the future of materials.
Interview with Professor Jack Pronk: About the Intersection of Academia and Entrepreneurship in Industrial Biotechnology
Jack Pronk is full professor in Industrial Microbiology and the head of the Biotechnology Department at TU Delft. His research focuses on understanding enhancing microbial performance in industrial processes by integrating quantitative physiology, genomics, synthetic biology, and evolutionary engineering. His team's work on yeast engineering for alcoholic fermentation and improving ethanol yields is applied on an industrial scale. Recently, he was awarded the prestigious Novozymes Prize, given annually since 1963 for outstanding European research in biotechnology. Planet B.io had the opportunity to sit down with Professor Pronk to discuss his views on entrepreneurship in industrial biotechnology.