Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at Planet, where our community of residents, members, and collaborators is always growing and evolving.

Meet the start-up | Upstream Foods
Upstream Foods is developing a novel ingredient to uplevel seafood alternatives. The Dutch start-up, that recently became a Planet member, is using cell-culture methods, to make the tastiest fats that provide all the complex flavors, creamy mouthfeel, and health benefits that people love about traditional seafood.
Public Affairs in biotechnology
Biotech innovations have the potential to create disruptive solutions for global challenges like climate change, food shortage, and much more. As a startup, entering an established market that is being steered by existing policies, value chains and consumers, can be a hurdle. In this article, we discuss the importance of Public Affairs to support commercialization of biotech innovations.
Year in review: Planet highlights of 2022
The beginning of a new year is always a great opportunity to take stock of the one that has just ended. We are proud to have 16 amazing biotech companies settled in our building and of what they have accomplished over the year. We are happy to see our community outside of Delft growing too, with new members and expanding networks that support our mission; Creating a better world with biotech.
Planet geeft biotechnologie praktische marktimpuls
Biotechnologie heeft volop potentie om de samenleving aanzienlijk te verduurzamen. Planet in Delft vult bij deze ontwikkelingsgang de rol in van innovatie netwerkhub. Bedrijven die op de Biotech Campus Delft onderdak vinden, weten zich verzekerd van brede ondersteuning met gelijkgestemde innovators om kennis en ervaring uit te wisselen.
Nieuw Delfts talent in de maak voor verduurzaming van de voedselketen
De Biotech Campus Delft is de afgelopen jaren sterk in ontwikkeling en huist tegenwoordig een levendige innovatie hub met als missie om met biotechnologie als sleuteltechnologie de transitie naar een duurzame economie en gezonde voeding te versnellen. Er wordt nu een belangrijke nieuwe stap gezet in de ambitie van de Biotech Campus Delft; een samenwerking met Hogeschool Inholland om nieuw talent te ontwikkelen voor de snelgroeiende biotechbedrijven in onze regio en oplossingen te bieden voor het wereldvoedselvraagstuk van morgen.
FUL Foods moves headquarters to Amsterdam
When a company has to move because they simply outgrew Planet, we couldn’t be more proud. FUL Foods was one of the first companies that settled at Planet But now, after 2.5 years, they are ready to take the next steps as a successful scale-up company and will continue their journey in developing future-proof food products from microalgae in Amsterdam.
Kickstart Fund supports collaboration project between Deep Branch and Delft University of Technology
In 2020, DSM NL established the Kickstart Fund to support the ecosystem around Planet and the Biotech Campus Delft. With a total annual budget of 200 k€, the Fund sponsors activities in three categories: pre-startup support, startup support and ecosystem support. These funds are coordinated by Planet
Interview | Fenneke Jolink - Project manager Planet
Fenneke Jolink recently joined the Planet team as Project manager, taking up special assignments that contribute to the services Planet brings to its community. Fenneke has a MSc degree in Bioprocess technology from Wageningen University and then worked at DSM R&D in science, tech-transfer and project management for the biosolutions and food enzymes businesses, for almost 19 years. She brings a huge amount of valuable experience in biotech science and project management.