Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at Planet, where our community of residents, members, and collaborators is always growing and evolving.

SPEKTRAX develops groundbreaking virus test
A reliable result within a few minutes. Available all over the world. Coronavirus, but also influenza and Zika, are causing an explosion in the need for rapid and affordable tests. This need is being met with laser technology, nanotechnology and software. At the Biotech Campus Delft, SPEKTRAX is working on a test that will help the world deal with virus crises. “The whole team is eager to be fully operational as soon as possible,” says co-founder Eva Rennen. Lab at the Biotech Campus Delft
The fight against climate change and for the sustainable production of food ingredients has a new ally: artificial intelligence. Delft University of Technology and DSM engage in a project to develop bio-based products and processes faster and smarter. Under the name Artificial Intelligence for Biosciences ( five PhD students will start their research.
DSM and TU Delft establish artificial intelligence laboratory to drive bioscience innovation
Two of Planet’s founding partners, DSM and TU Delft, today announce the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Lab for Biosciences (the Lab). This laboratory will be the first of its kind in Europe to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to full-scale biomanufacturing, from microbial strain development to process optimization and scheduling.
Nieuwe stichting Planet faciliteert groei Biotech Campus Delft
Klimaatverandering en grondstoffen schaarste vragen dringend om oplossingen. Biotechnologie speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. Nieuwe productie processen, die minder of niet afhankelijk zijn van fossiele grondstoffen, en minder tot geen broeikasgassen uitstoten, zullen verder ontwikkeld moeten worden. Onze materialen en producten moeten beter recyclebaar of afbreekbaar zijn om de afval problematiek aan te pakken. Planet op de Biotech Campus Delft ondersteunt bedrijven die hier oplossingen en toepassingen voor ontwikkelen. De stichting achter het ecosysteem voor open innovatie in de industriële biotechnologie is nu officieel opgericht en verwelkomt binnenkort weer heel wat nieuwe partijen op de campus.
Co-creation in industrial biotech - the key to the future
Industrial biotechnology can play a crucial role in solving some of the world’s major challenges, because even though used for centuries, microbes still have a lot to teach us, and they could just be the missing link in achieving a fully circular bio-based future.